HDK Clubshow 2019, judges: Attilio Polifrone, Rudi Killmaier
HDK Champion class finalists:
Dura Lex Polonia KING CRIMSON 1 place, Best protection, HDK Champion 2019
HDK Clubshow 2019, judges: Attilio Polifrone, Rudi Killmaier
HDK Champion class finalists:
Dura Lex Polonia KING CRIMSON 1 place, Best protection, HDK Champion 2019
HDK Clubshow 2019, judges: Attilio Polifrone, Rudi Killmaier
HDK Champion class finalists:
Dura Lex Polonia KING CRIMSON 1 place, Best protection, HDK Champion 2019
Dura Lex Polonia KING CRIMSON
Preparation for the IGP exam.
Dura Lex Polonia KING CRIMSON
Preparation for the IGP exam.
Dura Lex Polonia KING CRIMSON
Preparation for the IGP exam.
Dura Lex Polonia KING CRIMSON
Preparation for the IGP exam.
Dura Lex Polonia KING CRIMSON
Preparation for the IGP exam.
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